donderdag 9 februari 2012

believe in what you wanna believe, live how you wanna live

Long time no see, I apologize ! Had a very busy week with a lot of homework, work and a big disappointment. Yes, a disappointment. Last Saturday I was ready to get tickets for Lowlands. Unfortunately it was sold out before I was through the queue. :( Yes that was a pity. Well one advantage: I've got a lot of money at the moment! You might know that I spent last Sunday in Amsterdam. I haven't bought that much at the vintage market because it was freezing like hell. Too bad because I really felt like a good shopping. Nevertheless I had a really nice day! I promise you I'll update as much as I can, even though I'm a busy bee at this moment. Below you can see my purchases! Lots of love.

title quote of alex gaskarth (all time low)

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Ziet er leuk uit! Oooh wat kut trouwens dat je geen kaartje hebt kunnen kopen voor Lowlands. Hopelijk heb je volgend jaar wel geluk! X

  2. Leuke dingen heb je gekocht, vooral dat blousje lijkt me super!

  3. Wat vervelend dat je te laat was! Die blouse ziet er leuk uit!

  4. leuke aankopen! Jammer dat het zo koud was...

  5. the knit must be sweet...

  6. mooie dingen, ik ben nu al benieuwd naar de outfitposts!


thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it. ♥